Should You Move During Pregnancy Or Wait Until After Delivery?

Should You Move During Pregnancy Or Wait Until After Delivery?

28 November 2015
 Categories: , Blog

While being pregnant and moving to a new place are both exciting events, doing them at the same time is probably not very high on anyone's to-do list. At the same time, attempting to move while caring for a newborn is fraught with its own set of challenges. If you need to relocate and are trying to decide whether you should do it before or after the baby arrives, here are some of the benefits of each option to help you make the best decision for your situation.

The Argument for Moving Pre-Delivery

One major upside to moving before the baby arrives is you'll have more freedom to get things done. There's a lot involved in moving. You need to look for a new place while simultaneously preparing to vacate your existing home. You'll be doing a lot of packing and cleaning, making numerous phone calls, and dealing with real estate agents and landlords. It'll be a lot easier to get all that stuff done when you don't have to worry about working around a newborn's sleep schedule, arranging babysitting, or lugging around a baby carrier everywhere you go.

Another benefit is that your emotional state may be more stable and controllable before the pregnancy than afterwards. While it's true that pregnancy hormones can make some people more sensitive to stress and prone to mood swings, the post-natal period has its own mental, emotional, and physical challenges that may be worse.

For instance, between 11 percent and 20 percent of women experience symptoms of postpartum depression after giving birth, such as depressed mood, anxiety, excessive crying, the inability to concentrate, reduced interest in activities, and insomnia. This can make it exceedingly difficult to complete all the tasks associated with moving while also taking care of yourself and a newborn baby.

Lastly, you may avoid spending too much money on baby supplies because moving forces you to get organized. You may discover that you already have quite a few baby supplies that you received from friends and family members but had forgotten about or temporarily lost in the clutter.

The Argument for Waiting

While there are many compelling reasons to move prior to giving birth, there are also a few good ones that may make you want to wait to relocate to a new place. Although you may save money on baby supplies, you might end up spending the cash you saved on hiring someone to help you with the move. Lifting heavy items during pregnancy can be bad for your back and puts you at a greater risk of premature labor. That's why the American Pregnancy Association recommends women stop lifting heavy objects after the first trimester. If you wait to move after you give birth, you won't have to worry about this issue.

It may be easier to determine the exact type of home you need to raise your little one in, especially if it's your first child. After taking care of your baby for a few months, you'll have a better idea of the amenities you'll want in your new space such as a laundry room, a home office, or a bigger living room—things that may not have been obvious when you were pregnant.

Lastly, you won't have to fight against nesting instincts. This is when a person is filled with the overwhelming urge to prepare a space for the baby's arrival. It's typically characterized by deep cleaning, organizing items, and even purchasing or collecting things that may be needed after the birth. Like postpartum depression, nesting instincts don't affect every pregnant person, but the urge can be overwhelming and may negatively impact your ability to pack up your current home and move to a new one.

Whether or not moving during pregnancy is the right choice for you depends on many factors including how far along you are in your pregnancy and the availability of a living space. Regardless of your decision, it's a good idea to hire a local moving company to assist you with packing and transporting your belongings. Click here for more information.